Traffic-Simulator / Assets / Scripts /
@Lukas Lukas authored on 10 Feb 2022
Car add cars and their routes using the astar search algorithm 2 years ago
Primitives add the ability to remove roads 2 years ago
Roads add cars and their routes using the astar search algorithm 2 years ago
CameraControl.cs add diferent editing modes 2 years ago
CameraControl.cs.meta initial commit 2 years ago
Car.meta add cars and their routes using the astar search algorithm 2 years ago
Config.cs add cars and their routes using the astar search algorithm 2 years ago
Config.cs.meta improve road rendering 2 years ago
Mode.cs add diferent editing modes 2 years ago
Mode.cs.meta add diferent editing modes 2 years ago
ModeButton.cs add diferent editing modes 2 years ago
ModeButton.cs.meta add diferent editing modes 2 years ago
Primitives.meta add the ability to remove roads 2 years ago
Roads.meta add the ability to remove roads 2 years ago