tac2grc / hardcodedFiles / tacReadRmnBlock.c
@lukas lukas on 14 Aug 2022 15 KB initial commit
* E.S.O. - VLT project
* "@(#) $Id: tacReadRmnBlock.c 305476 2018-01-19 08:56:18Z rfrahm $"
* who      when        what
* -------  --------    ----------------------------------------------
* gzins    2010-07-27  ported to VLTSW2010 and VxWorks 6.4
* swehner  2008-10-10  creation

*   NAME
*     tacReadRmnBlock - Implemements the standard functions for the 
*                       tacReadRmn block and tacReadRfm block.
*     tacReadRmnBlock - Reads from 1rst generation reflective memory network
*     tacReadRfmBlock - Reads from 2nd generation reflective memory network

*     Parameters: 
*             field     - token names for the RMN fields to read (up to 10)
*     Inputs: 0
*     Outputs: 1
*             output    - 1..10 depending on number of field parameters
*     TAC
*     TAC.BLOCK9.TYPE    ReadRmn
*     TAC.BLOCK9.NAME    ReadRmn
*   BUGS   

#define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
#include "vltPort.h"

ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static const char *rcsId="@(#) $Id: tacReadRmnBlock.c 305476 2018-01-19 08:56:18Z rfrahm $"; 

 * System Headers

#include <taskLib.h>    /* taskSpawn, taskDelay, ... */
#include <stdio.h>     /* printf ... */
#include <string.h>    /* malloc ... */
#include <stdlib.h>    /* malloc ... */
#include <logLib.h>
#include <math.h>

 * Local Headers

#include "tacStdBlock.h"
#include "tacRmnBlock.h"
#include "rmassPublic.h"
#include "rmassPrivate.h"

 * Compilation directives

 * Constants


#define tacSTRLEN			sizeof(double)

 * Types

 * Local function declaration

 * Global variables

 * Function definition

STATUS tacReadRmnBlockCheckParameter (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
                                  tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the ADDBLCK command */ 
                                  tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = NULL;
    pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
    /* field string is built from block params */
    if ( tacRmnBlockCheckParameter ( pSelf, parameter, 0, error) != OK ) 
	return ERROR;
    /* useful information on the screen */
    printf ("ReadRmn %s: [%s]\n", pSelf->name, pSelfParam->fieldString);
    return OK;

STATUS tacReadRfmBlockCheckParameter (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
                                  tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the ADDBLCK command */ 
                                  tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = NULL;
    pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
    /* field string is built from block params */
    if ( tacRmnBlockCheckParameter ( pSelf, parameter, 0, error) != OK ) 
	return ERROR;
    /* useful information on the screen */
    printf ("ReadRfm %s: [%s]\n", pSelf->name, pSelfParam->fieldString);
    return OK;

 * Constructor Hooks - Called when a block of this type is instanciated (CONFIG or ADDBLCK commands)

STATUS tacReadRmBlockConstructor (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
				  tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the ADDBLCK command */ 
				  vltLOGICAL isRmn,
				  tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */

  /* Check that the expected number of parameters has been received */
  if (parameter->number < tacREAD_RMN_EXPECTED_PARAM)
      char errorParam[40];
      sprintf(errorParam, "Expected at least %d, received %d", tacREAD_RMN_EXPECTED_PARAM, parameter->number);
      tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_PARAM_NUMBER, errorParam);
      return ERROR;

  /* Allocate and initialize block-specific arrays */
  if (tacStdBlockAllocateArrays(pSelf, 0, tacREAD_RMN_DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBER, tacREAD_RMN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NUMBER, error) == ERROR)
      return ERROR;

  if (tacStdBlockAllocateArrayBySize(pSelf, tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM_ARRAY, sizeof(tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER), error) == ERROR)
      tacStdBlockReleaseArray(pSelf, tacSTDBLOCK_INPUT_ARRAY, error);
      tacStdBlockReleaseArray(pSelf, tacSTDBLOCK_OUTPUT_ARRAY, error);
      return ERROR;

  if ( isRmn ) 
      if ( tacReadRmnBlockCheckParameter (pSelf, parameter, error) == ERROR)
	  return ERROR;
      if ( tacReadRfmBlockCheckParameter (pSelf, parameter, error) == ERROR)
	  return ERROR;

  pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;

  pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCKED;

  /* Attach to RMN */
  if ( rmassReadAttach (&pSelfParam->handle, 
			&pSelfParam->val[9]) != SUCCESS )
      char errorParam[40];
      sprintf(errorParam, "Attach to RMN failed.");
      tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_INTERNAL, errorParam);
      return ERROR;

  pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_FREE;
  return OK;

STATUS tacReadRmnBlockConstructor (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
                                  tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the ADDBLCK command */ 
                                  tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    if ( tacReadRmBlockConstructor (pSelf, parameter, ccsTRUE, error ) == ERROR ) 
	return ERROR;
    return OK;

STATUS tacReadRfmBlockConstructor (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
				   tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the ADDBLCK command */ 
				   tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    if ( tacReadRmBlockConstructor (pSelf, parameter, ccsFALSE, error ) == ERROR ) 
	return ERROR;
    return OK;

 * Destructor Hooks - Called when the block is removed from the algorithm (DELBLCK or new CONFIG commands)

void tacReadRmnBlockDestructor (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf)    /* Reference to the block instance */
    tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = NULL;
    pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;

    pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCKED;
    /* wait until semaphore is acknowledged by realtime algo 
     * or just procede if realtime is not active */
    while ((*pSelf->shared).active && pSelfParam->handleValid != rmassACCESS_BLOCK_ACKN)

    rmassDetach (&pSelfParam->handle);


 * Change parameters Hooks - Called when modifying the block parameters (MODBLCK command)

STATUS tacReadRmnBlockSetParameter (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
				   tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the MODBLCK command */ 
				   tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
    if ( tacReadRmnBlockCheckParameter (pSelf, parameter, error) == ERROR)
	return ERROR;

    pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCKED;
    /* wait until semaphore is acknowledged by realtime algo 
     * or just procede if realtime is not active */
    while ((*pSelf->shared).active && pSelfParam->handleValid != rmassACCESS_BLOCK_ACKN)
    /* detach RMN handle */
    if ( rmassDetach (&pSelfParam->handle) != SUCCESS ) 
	char errorParam[40];
	sprintf(errorParam, "rmassDetach returned error.");
	tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_INTERNAL, errorParam);
	return ERROR;
    if ( rmassReadAttach (&pSelfParam->handle, 
			  &pSelfParam->val[9]) != SUCCESS )
        char errorParam[40];
        sprintf(errorParam, "Attach to RMN failed.");
        tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_INTERNAL, errorParam);
        return ERROR;

    pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_FREE;
    return OK;

STATUS tacReadRfmBlockSetParameter (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf,              /* Reference to the block instance   */
				   tacSTDBLOCK_PARAM* parameter,    /* Parameters of the MODBLCK command */ 
				   tacERROR* error)                 /* Error structure - not a stack     */
    tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
    if ( tacReadRfmBlockCheckParameter (pSelf, parameter, error) == ERROR)
	return ERROR;

    pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCKED;
    /* wait until semaphore is acknowledged by realtime algo 
     * or just procede if realtime is not active */
    while ((*pSelf->shared).active && pSelfParam->handleValid != rmassACCESS_BLOCK_ACKN)
    /* detach RMN handle */
    if ( rmassDetach (&pSelfParam->handle) != SUCCESS ) 
	char errorParam[40];
	sprintf(errorParam, "rmassDetach returned error.");
	tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_INTERNAL, errorParam);
	return ERROR;
    if ( rmassReadAttach (&pSelfParam->handle, 
			  &pSelfParam->val[9]) != SUCCESS )
        char errorParam[40];

        sprintf(errorParam, "Attach to RFM failed.");
        tacRTC_ERR(tacERR_INTERNAL, errorParam);
        return ERROR;

    pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_FREE;
    return OK;

 * Algorithm Hooks - Called at each time the TAC algorithm is evaluated (ONLINE state)

void tacReadRmnBlockAlgorithm (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf)    /* Reference to the block instance */
  tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
  int i;

  if  ( pSelfParam->handleValid == rmassACCESS_BLOCKED )
      pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCK_ACKN;

  if  ( pSelfParam->handleValid == rmassACCESS_FREE )
	/* actual RMN read operation */
	rmassReadAccessRmn (&pSelfParam->handle);
	/* Write to outputs */
	for (i=0; i < pSelfParam->numFields; i++)
	    switch (pSelfParam->type[i])
	      case rmassTIMESEC:
	      case rmassUINT32:
		tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).ui);
	      case rmassTIMEUSEC:
	      case rmassINT32:
		tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).i);
	      case rmassFLOAT:
		tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).f);
		tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).d);
	/* provide zero values at unsatisfied outputs 
	 * I consider this a good thing to do since the block
	 * is always configured */
	for (i=pSelfParam->numFields; i < tacREAD_RMN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NUMBER; i++)
	    tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, 0.0);

void tacReadRfmBlockAlgorithm (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf)    /* Reference to the block instance */
  tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;
  int i;

  if  ( pSelfParam->handleValid == rmassACCESS_BLOCKED )
      pSelfParam->handleValid = rmassACCESS_BLOCK_ACKN;

  if  ( pSelfParam->handleValid == rmassACCESS_FREE )
      /* actual RMN read operation */
      rmassReadAccessRfm (&pSelfParam->handle);

      /* Write to outputs */
      for (i=0; i < pSelfParam->numFields; i++)
	  switch (pSelfParam->type[i])
	      case rmassTIMESEC:
	      case rmassUINT32:
		  tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).ui);
	      case rmassTIMEUSEC:
	      case rmassINT32:
		  tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).i);
	      case rmassFLOAT:
		  tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).f);
		  tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, (*pSelfParam->val[i]).d);

      /* provide zero values at unsatisfied outputs 
       * I consider this a good thing to do since the block
       * is always configured */
      for (i=pSelfParam->numFields; i < tacREAD_RMN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NUMBER; i++)
	  tacStdBlockSetOutput(pSelf, i, 0.0);

 * Show Hooks - Called when the tacRtcTaskShow routine is executed

void tacReadRmnBlockShow (tacSTDBLOCK* pSelf)    /* Reference to the block instance */
  tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER* pSelfParam = (tacRMN_LOCAL_PARAMETER*) pSelf->parameter;

  /* Print parameter values */
  printf("   Attached: %s\n", pSelfParam->fieldString);


/* The following code is common to all block types */
/*     Do not modify without any good reasons      */

 * Installation function

tacSTDBLOCK_TYPE tacReadRmnTypeInfo = {

tacSTDBLOCK_TYPE tacReadRfmTypeInfo = {

STATUS tacReadRmnBlockInitAll (void)
  /* The following code is common to all block types */
  /*     Do not modify without any good reasons      */

  /* Install ReadRmn1g Block Hooks */

  /* End of common code region */

  /* Perform other library initialization operations */

  return OK;

STATUS tacReadRfmBlockInitAll (void)
  /* The following code is common to all block types */
  /*     Do not modify without any good reasons      */

  /* Install ReadRmn1g Block Hooks */

  /* End of common code region */

  /* Perform other library initialization operations */

  return OK;
