#include <memory.h> #include <service.h> #include <syscall.h> #include <util.h> void handleRequestMemorySyscall(Syscall *call) { Service *service = call->service; uint32_t pageCount = call->parameters[0]; void *target = PTR(call->parameters[1]); void *physical = PTR(call->parameters[2]); uint32_t virtualStart = PAGE_ID(target); if (!virtualStart) { virtualStart = findMultiplePages(&service->pagingInfo, pageCount); } reservePagesCount(&service->pagingInfo, virtualStart, pageCount); if (!physical) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { uint32_t physicalPage = findPage(kernelPhysicalPages); reservePagesCount(kernelPhysicalPages, physicalPage, 1); mapPage(&service->pagingInfo, ADDRESS(physicalPage), ADDRESS(virtualStart + i), true, false); } } else { uint32_t physicalPage = PAGE_ID(physical); reservePagesCount(kernelPhysicalPages, physicalPage, pageCount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { // the program probably wants to interact with an external device, so set the volatile flag mapPage(&service->pagingInfo, ADDRESS(physicalPage + i), ADDRESS(virtualStart + i), true, true); } } call->returnValue = U32(ADDRESS(virtualStart)) + PAGE_OFFSET(physical); } void handleGetPhysicalSyscall(Syscall *call) { Service *service = call->service; call->returnValue = U32(getPhysicalAddress( service->pagingInfo.pageDirectory, PTR(call->parameters[0]))); }