#include <interrupts.h> #include <memory.h> #include <multiboot.h> #include <service.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <syscall.h> #include <syscalls.h> #include <util.h> extern ListElement *callsToProcess; extern void (*syscallHandlers[])(Syscall *); void *initrd; uint32_t initrdSize; void loadInitrdProgram(char *name, Syscall *respondingTo) { char *fileName = combineStrings("initrd/", name); void *elfData = findTarFile(initrd, initrdSize, fileName); free(fileName); loadElf(elfData, name); Service *service = findService(name); Provider *provider = findProvider(service, "main"); scheduleProvider(provider, 0, 0, 0); } void loadAndScheduleLoader(void *multibootInfo) { void *address = kernelMapPhysicalCount(multibootInfo, 4); initrd = findInitrd(address, &initrdSize); loadInitrdProgram("loader", NULL); } void kernelMain(void *multibootInfo) { setupMemory(); // loading the loader also reserves the needed space for the // multiboot-loaded stuff loadAndScheduleLoader(multibootInfo); setupSyscalls(); registerInterrupts(); while (1) { Syscall *call = listPopFirst(&callsToProcess); if (!call) { asm("sti;hlt"); continue; } if (call->resume) { resume(call); free(call); continue; } void (*handler)(Syscall *) = syscallHandlers[call->function]; if (handler) { handler(call); } call->resume = true; if (!call->avoidReschedule) { listAdd(&callsToProcess, call); } } }