<app-grid> <div class="wide-full"> <br /> <h1>Welcome to my homepage!</h1> </div> <mat-card class="wide-2 tall-2"> <h2>OS development</h2> <img src="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/honey-os/blob/master/honey-os.png?raw=true"> <p> I started writing two operating systems from scratch. </p> <p> <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/tree-os">Tree OS</a> was the first iteration which is able to read files from an attached SATA disk. However, the design unintentionally turned into a huge monolithic kernel, making further expansion very difficult. </p> <p> <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/honey-os">Honey OS</a> is the new one where I actually went through the effort to correctly implement paging. Therefore, multiasking is made possible and there are a number of different system calls implemented. Furthermore, each process has its own memory space to avoid interference between processes. </p> <p> Even though the project will probably never see any real world use, learning about the x86 architecture is really beneficial. </p> </mat-card> <mat-card> <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/Traffic-Simulator"> <h2>Traffic simulator</h2> </a> <img src="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/Traffic-Simulator/blob/master/screenshot.PNG?raw=true"> <p> For school, I wrote a scientific article about a topic related to "everyday physics". I focused on the design of urban intersections. For this, I needed a simulation for cars traversing different designs. You can find the souce code <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/Traffic-Simulator">here</a>. </p> </mat-card> <mat-card class="tall-2"> <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/music"> <h2> Music-app </h2> </a> <img src="assets/music.jpg"> <p> I developed an Android application to dynamically synthesize music. Behind the android and kotlin frontend, some c++ code for the sound synthesis is running in the background. </p> </mat-card> <mat-card> <h2>Websites</h2> <p> I personally created this website you are currently looking at using <a href="https://angular.io">Angular</a> and the <a href="https://material.io/design">Material design theme</a>. Additionally, I also created <a href="https://www.mpe.mpg.de/~eisenhau/">Frank Eisenhauer's webpage</a> and host an instance of <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git">gitBucket</a>. </p> <p> The backend was made using <a href="https://rubyonrails.org/">Ruby on rails</a> and is responsible for the quotes you can see at the bottom of the page. </p> <p> If you want to take a look at the old version made just with HTML and CSS, click <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/legacy">here</a>. </p> </mat-card> <mat-card> <h2>Schrodinger equation</h2> <img src="assets/schrodinger.png"> <p> I created a presentation discussing the Schrodinger equation for school. You can have a look at it <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/schrodinger/presentation_main_German.html">here</a>. It is created using the reveal.js presentation framework. The source code including a custom multilingual markdown parser can be found <a href="https://lukas-eisenhauer.de/git/lukas/schrodinger">on my gitbucket</a>. </mat-card> <mat-card> <a href="https://gitlab.bixilon.de/bixilon/minosoft"> <h2>Minosoft</h2> </a> <p> For the open source Minecraft client <a href="https://gitlab.bixilon.de/bixilon/minosoft"> Minosoft</a>, I developed the voxel-rendering engine and implemented major parts of the physics as well. Additionally, I started development on a new GUI rendering system which wasn't merged. </p> </mat-card> <mat-card *ngIf="quotes.length > 0"> <h2>Quotes:</h2> <div class="flex-center" *ngIf="loadingQuotes; else quotesTemplate"> <mat-spinner color="primary" mode="indeterminate"></mat-spinner> </div> <ng-template #quotesTemplate> <div *ngFor="let quote of quotes"> <blockquote> {{quote.quote}} <br> <i>-{{quote.user}}</i> </blockquote> </div> </ng-template> </mat-card> <mat-card *ngIf="statuses.length > 0"> <h2>User statuses:</h2> <div class="flex-center" *ngIf="loadingStatuses; else statusesTemplate"> <mat-spinner color="primary" mode="indeterminate"></mat-spinner> </div> <ng-template #statusesTemplate> <div *ngFor="let userStatus of statuses"> <h4 style="text-align: left;"> {{userStatus.user}} </h4> <p> {{userStatus.message}} <br> <i> (created {{userStatus.postTime.toString(true)}} ago, visible for {{userStatus.lifetime.toString()}})</i> </p> </div> </ng-template> </mat-card> </app-grid>