2022-08-26 |
add subbeats (play a note between the main beats, like 8ths in a 4/4 Rhythm)
2022-08-23 |
fix problem where an instrument would not stop playing when deleted
add grid to edit a Voice's pattern
add dialog to edit voice (non-functional)
ensure dragging instruments only works vertically
add drag and drop for instruments in their list
add a button to remove an instrument from the list
add functionality to the add instrument button
add voice selection
rewrite Voice
fix issue where keeping the default chord type would not update correctly
add solo button for an instrument
fix issue where the waveform for an instrument would be reset when reopening its properties window
beautify mute toggle
add individual volume sliders to each instrument
move waveform selection to the instrument editor windows
add instrument editor
2022-08-19 |
add GPL v3 copyright
fix issues with chord views in play section
add song navigation buttons
fix issue where the chord preview in the play section would not update when the first phrase is entered
add preview for the first chord of the upcoming phrase
refactor PlayFragment.kt
add tempo modifier
refactor Song to use Cycles
add current phrase preview to Play section (with issues)
add beatCallback to Song
fix crash when no chords have been added
2022-08-18 |
remove the action bar
on 18 Aug 2022
add menu to edit chords
on 18 Aug 2022