#include <hlib.h> #include <buffers.h> // see https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md #define FORMATS_STRUCTS_X(_name, _dataType, _min, _max, _readType, _readTypeParameter) \ { .name = #_name, .dataType = TYPE_##_dataType, .readType = _readType, .readTypeParameter = _readTypeParameter, .min = _min, .max = _max } FormatInfo formatInfo[] = { FORMATS(FORMATS_STRUCTS_X, COMMA) }; Formats FirstByteToFormat[256]; uint32_t readLength(void *data, uint32_t size) { switch (size) { case 1: return *((uint8_t *)data); case 2: return *((uint16_t *)data); case 4: return *((uint32_t *)data); // TODO: 64-bit numbers! } printf("cannot read length of size %i!\n", size); return 0; } int32_t readInteger(uint8_t *data, Formats format, FormatInfo *info) { if (format == FORMAT_NEGATIVE_FIXINT) { return ((int8_t) (*data | ~info->readTypeParameter)); } if (format == FORMAT_POSITIVE_FIXINT || format == FORMAT_UINT8 || format == FORMAT_UINT16 || format == FORMAT_UINT32 || format == FORMAT_UINT64) { return *(uint32_t *)data; } if (data[info->readTypeParameter-1] & 0x80) { for (uint8_t i = info->readTypeParameter; i < 8; i++) { data[i] = 0xFF; } } return *(int32_t *)data; } void *dumpPack(uint8_t *data, uint32_t indent) { uint8_t firstByte = data[0]; Formats format = FirstByteToFormat[firstByte]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; uint32_t bytesToRead = 1; uint32_t dataOffset = 0, dataSize = 0; switch (info->readType) { case Inline: break; case InlineLength: bytesToRead += firstByte & info->readTypeParameter; dataOffset = 1; dataSize = firstByte & info->readTypeParameter; break; case FixedLength: bytesToRead += info->readTypeParameter; dataOffset = 1; dataSize = info->readTypeParameter; break; case ReadLength: uint32_t length = readLength(data + 1, info->readTypeParameter); bytesToRead += info->readTypeParameter + length; dataOffset = 1 + info->readTypeParameter; dataSize = length; break; case ElementsInline: dataOffset = 1; break; case ReadElements: bytesToRead += info->readTypeParameter; dataOffset = 1; dataSize = info->readTypeParameter; } char *hexData = malloc(3*bytesToRead); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bytesToRead; i++) { sprintf(hexData + 3*i, "%x ", data[i]); } hexData[3*bytesToRead - 1] = 0; char *indentData = malloc(indent + 1); memset(indentData, ' ', indent); indentData[indent] = 0; printf("%s%s: ", indentData, hexData); void *buffer = malloc(MAX(bytesToRead + 1, 8)); switch (info->readType) { case Inline: case ElementsInline: *((uint8_t *)buffer) = firstByte & info->readTypeParameter; break; case InlineLength: case FixedLength: case ReadLength: case ReadElements: memcpy(data + dataOffset, buffer, dataSize); break; default: break; } uint32_t size; void *next = data + bytesToRead; switch (info->dataType) { case TYPE_NIL: printf("NIL"); break; case TYPE_INTEGER: printf("int(%i)", readInteger(buffer, format, info)); break; case TYPE_BOOLEAN: printf("bool(%s)", readInteger(buffer, format, info) ? "true" : "false"); break; // can't even print a float yet... case TYPE_STRING: ((uint8_t *)buffer)[bytesToRead] = 0; printf("str(\"%s\")", buffer); break; case TYPE_ARRAY: size = readInteger(buffer, format, info); printf("array(%i) (%s)\n", size, info->name); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { next = dumpPack(next, indent + 2); } return next; case TYPE_MAP: size = readInteger(buffer, format, info); printf("map(%i) (%s)\n", size, info->name); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { next = dumpPack(next, indent + 1); next = dumpPack(next, indent + 2); } return next; default: printf("unknown"); break; } printf(" (%s)\n", info->name); free(hexData); free(indentData); free(buffer); return next; } void fillSpots(uint16_t from, uint16_t to, Formats value) { for (uint16_t i = from; i <= to; i++) { FirstByteToFormat[i] = value; } } #define FILL_SPOTS_X(name, dataType, min, max, readType, readTypeParameter) fillSpots(min, max, FORMAT_##name); void initialize() { FORMATS(FILL_SPOTS_X, NOTHING); } uint32_t stringLength(uint32_t strlength) { if ((strlength & 0x1F) == strlength) { // fixstr return 1 + strlength; } if ((strlength & 0xFF) == strlength) { // str8 return 2 + strlength; } if ((strlength & 0xFFFF) == strlength) { // str16 return 3 + strlength; } // str32 return 5 + strlength; } void *stringWrite(void *buffer, char *string) { uint32_t length = strlen(string); uint8_t *bufferByte = buffer; if ((length & 0x1F) == length) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_FIXSTR].min + (uint8_t) length; buffer++; } else if ((length & 0xFF) == length) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_STR8].min; *(uint8_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint8_t) length; buffer += 2; } else if ((length & 0xFFFF) == length) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_STR16].min; *(uint16_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint16_t) length; buffer += 3; } else { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_STR32].min; *(uint32_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint32_t) length; buffer += 5; } memcpy(string, buffer, length); return buffer + length; } uint32_t integerLength(int32_t value, IntegerType integerType) { if ((value & 0x7F) == value || ((~value) & 0x1F) == ~value) { // fixint return 1; } value = ABS(value); if ((value & 0xFF) == value) { // int8 return 2; } if ((value & 0xFFFF) == value) { // int16 return 3; } if ((value & 0xFFFFFFFF) == value) { // int32 return 5; } // int64 return 9; } void *integerWrite(void *buffer, int32_t x, IntegerType type) { if (x < 0 && type != Signed) { printf("integerWrite: %i is negative but type is Unsigned!\n", x); return buffer; } uint8_t *bufferByte = buffer; if ((x & 0x7F) == x) { *bufferByte = (uint8_t)x; // fixint return buffer + 1; } if (((~x) & 0x1F) == ~x) { *bufferByte = (int8_t)x; // negative fixint return buffer + 1; } if ((uint8_t)x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_UINT8].min; *(uint8_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint8_t) x; return buffer + 2; } if ((int8_t) x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_INT8].min; *(int8_t *)(buffer + 1) = (int8_t) x; return buffer + 2; } if ((uint16_t)x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_UINT16].min; *(uint16_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint16_t) x; return buffer + 3; } if ((int16_t) x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_INT16].min; *(int16_t *)(buffer + 1) = (int16_t) x; return buffer + 3; } if ((uint32_t)x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_UINT32].min; *(uint32_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint32_t) x; return buffer + 5; } if ((int32_t) x == x) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_INT32].min; *(int32_t *)(buffer + 1) = (int32_t) x; return buffer + 5; } // TODO: 64 bit numbers return buffer; } uint32_t arrayLength(uint32_t elementCount) { if ((elementCount & formatInfo[FORMAT_FIXARRAY].readTypeParameter) == elementCount) { return 1; } if ((uint16_t)elementCount == elementCount) { return 3; } if ((uint32_t)elementCount == elementCount) { return 5; } // TODO: 64 bit numbers return 1; } void *arrayWrite(void *buffer, uint32_t elementCount) { uint8_t *bufferByte = buffer; if ((elementCount & formatInfo[FORMAT_FIXARRAY].readTypeParameter) == elementCount) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_FIXARRAY].min + elementCount; return buffer + 1; } if ((uint16_t)elementCount == elementCount) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_ARRAY16].min; *(uint16_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint16_t) elementCount; return buffer + 3; } if ((uint32_t)elementCount == elementCount) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_ARRAY32].min; *(uint32_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint32_t) elementCount; return buffer + 5; } // TODO: 64 bit numbers return buffer; } uint32_t mapLength(uint32_t elementCount) { if (elementCount % 2) { printf("map: bad element count %i\n", elementCount); return 0; } return arrayLength(elementCount / 2); } void *mapWrite(void *buffer, uint32_t elementCount) { uint8_t *bufferByte = buffer; if (elementCount % 2) { printf("map: bad element count %i\n", elementCount); return buffer; } elementCount >>= 1; if ((elementCount & 0x0F) == elementCount) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_FIXMAP].min + elementCount; // fixmap return buffer + 1; } if ((elementCount & 0xFFFF) == elementCount) { *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_MAP16].min; *(uint16_t *)(buffer + 1) = (uint16_t) elementCount; return buffer + 3; } *bufferByte = formatInfo[FORMAT_MAP32].min; *(uint32_t *)(buffer + 1) = elementCount; return buffer + 5; } #define SAMPLE_1(X) \ X(INTEGER, -500, Signed) #define SAMPLE_2_ARRAY_CONTENT(X, S) \ X(INTEGER, 1) S \ X(STRING, "hi") S \ X(INTEGER, 500, Signed) #define SAMPLE_2(X) \ X(ARRAY, SAMPLE_2_ARRAY_CONTENT) #define SAMPLE_3_MAP_CONTENTS(X, S) \ X(INTEGER, 1) S \ X(ARRAY, SAMPLE_2_ARRAY_CONTENT) S \ X(STRING, "hello") S \ X(STRING, "world") #define SAMPLE_3(X) \ X(MAP, SAMPLE_3_MAP_CONTENTS) #define EXPECT(data, _dataType) \ if (formatInfo[FirstByteToFormat[*((uint8_t *)data)]].dataType != TYPE_##_dataType) { \ printf("failed EXPECT, expected %s, got %s\n", #_dataType, formatInfo[FirstByteToFormat[*((uint8_t *)data)]].name); \ } else // for reading values from a buffer: malloc is very slow, so only use it sparingly, when reutrning a value. intmax_t readInt(void *data) { uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; if (info->dataType != TYPE_INTEGER) { printf("readInt: cannot convert %s to int\n", info->name); return 0; } if (format < FORMAT_INT8) { // definietly working with a uint if (format == FORMAT_POSITIVE_FIXINT) { return *((uint8_t *)data) & info->readTypeParameter; } if (format == FORMAT_UINT8) { return *((uint8_t *)(data + 1)); } if (format == FORMAT_UINT16) { return *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); } if (format == FORMAT_UINT32) { return *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); } goto fail; } if (format == FORMAT_NEGATIVE_FIXINT) { return (intmax_t) (int8_t) (*buffer); } if (format == FORMAT_INT8) { return (intmax_t) *((int8_t *)data); } if (format == FORMAT_INT16) { return (intmax_t) *((int16_t *)(data + 1)); } if (format == FORMAT_INT32) { return (intmax_t) *((int32_t *)(data + 1)); } fail: // TODO: 64-bit numbers printf("readUint: cannot read %s\n", info->name); return 0; } uint32_t readUint(void *data) { intmax_t asInt = readInt(data); if (asInt < 0) { printf("readUint: value %i is negative\n", asInt); return 0; } return asInt; } char *readStr(void *data) { uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; if (info->dataType != TYPE_STRING) { printf("readString: cannot convert %s to string\n", info->name); return NULL; } uintmax_t size = 0; uint8_t offset = 0; if (format == FORMAT_FIXSTR) { size = *buffer & info->readTypeParameter; offset = 1; } else if (format == FORMAT_STR8) { size = *((uint8_t *)(data + 1)); offset = 2; } else if (format == FORMAT_STR16) { size = *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); offset = 3; } else if (format == FORMAT_STR32) { size = *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); offset = 5; } printf("size : %i\n", size); char *str = malloc(size + 1); memcpy(data + offset, str, size); str[size] = 0; return str; } uintmax_t readArraySize(void *data, void **firstElement) { uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; if (info->dataType != TYPE_ARRAY) { printf("readArraySize: cannot convert %s to array\n", info->name); return 0; } switch (format) { case FORMAT_FIXARRAY: *firstElement = data + 1; return *buffer & info->readTypeParameter; case FORMAT_ARRAY16: *firstElement = data + 3; return *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); case FORMAT_ARRAY32: *firstElement = data + 5; return *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); } printf("readArraySize: cannot read %s\n", info->name); return 0; } uintmax_t readMapSize(void *data, void **firstElement) { uint8_t *buffer = data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; if (info->dataType != TYPE_MAP) { printf("readMapSize: cannot convert %s to a map\n", info->name); return 0; } switch (format) { case FORMAT_FIXMAP: *firstElement = data + 1; return *buffer & info->readTypeParameter; case FORMAT_MAP16: *firstElement = data + 3; return *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); case FORMAT_MAP32: *firstElement = data + 5; return *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); } printf("readMapSize: cannot read %s\n", info->name); return 0; } void *seek(void *data) { uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; uint32_t elementCount; switch (info->readType) { case Inline: return data + 1; case InlineLength: return data + 1 + (*buffer & info->readTypeParameter); case FixedLength: return data + 1 + info->readTypeParameter; case ReadLength: switch (info->readTypeParameter) { case 1: return data + 1 + *((uint8_t *)(data + 1)); case 2: return data + 1 + *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); case 4: return data + 1 + *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); } case ElementsInline: data++; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (*buffer &info->readTypeParameter); i++) { data = seek(data); } return data; case ReadElements: switch (info->readTypeParameter) { case 1: elementCount = *((uint8_t *)(data + 1)); case 2: elementCount = *((uint16_t *)(data + 1)); case 4: elementCount = *((uint32_t *)(data + 1)); } data += 1 + info->readTypeParameter; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) { data = seek(data); } return data; } printf("seek: cannot read %s\n", info->name); return NULL; } #define _AS_INT(data, catchError) \ ({ \ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; \ uint8_t type = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; \ if (formatInfo[type].dataType != TYPE_INTEGER) catchError \ readInt(data); \ }) #define _AS_UINT(data, catchError, catchNegative) \ ({ \ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; \ uint8_t type = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; \ if (formatInfo[type].dataType != TYPE_INTEGER) catchError \ intmax_t asInt = readInt(data); \ if (asInt < 0) catchNegative \ (uint32_t) asInt; \ }) #define _AS_STRING(data, catchError) \ ({ \ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; \ uint8_t type = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; \ if (formatInfo[type].dataType != TYPE_STRING) catchError \ readStr(data); \ }) #define AS_INT(data, retval, ...) \ _AS_INT(data, ##__VA_ARGS__, { printf("AS_INT: cannot convert '" #data "' to an integer\n"); return retval; }) #define AS_UINT(data, retval, ...) \ _AS_UINT(data, ##__VA_ARGS__, { printf("AS_UINT: cannot convert '" #data "' to an integer\n"); return retval; }, { printf("AS_UINT: '" #data "' is negative!\n"); asInt = 0; }) #define AS_STRING(data, retval, ...) \ _AS_STRING(data, ##__VA_ARGS__, { printf("AS_STRING: cannot convert '" #data "' to a string\n"); return retval; }) #define ARRAY_LOOP(data, retval, elementName, action) \ { \ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) data; \ uint8_t type = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; \ if (formatInfo[type].dataType != TYPE_ARRAY) { \ printf("ARRAY_LOOP: cannot convert '" #data "' to an array\n"); \ return retval; \ } \ void *elementName; \ uint32_t maxElement = readArraySize(data, &elementName); \ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxElement; i++) { \ (action); \ elementName = seek(elementName); \ } \ } void *mapGetFromInt(void *data, uintmax_t searchValue) { uint8_t *buffer = data; uint8_t format = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; FormatInfo *info = &formatInfo[format]; if (info->dataType != TYPE_MAP) { printf("mapGetFromInt cannot convert %s to a map\n", info->name); return 0; } uint8_t *element; uint32_t pairCount = readMapSize(data, &element); for (uintmax_t i = 0; i < pairCount; i++) { if (formatInfo[FirstByteToFormat[*element]].dataType != TYPE_INTEGER) { element = seek(element); element = seek(element); } if (readInt(element) == searchValue) { return seek(element); } element = seek(element); element = seek(element); } printf("mapGetFromInt: key %i not found!\n", searchValue); return NULL; } #define GET_FROM_INT(data, value, retval) \ ({ \ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)data; \ uint8_t type = FirstByteToFormat[*buffer]; \ if (formatInfo[type].dataType != TYPE_MAP) { \ printf("GET_FROM_INT: cannot convert '" #data "' to a map, got %s\n", formatInfo[type].name); \ return retval; \ } \ mapGetFromInt(data, value); \ }) int32_t main() { static bool intitialized = false; if (!intitialized) { intitialized = true; initialize(); } CREATE(test, SAMPLE_3); printf("value from key int(1):\n"); dumpPack(GET_FROM_INT(test, 1, -1), 0); dumpPack(test, 0); free(test); }