#define ALLOC_MAIN #include <hlib.h> #include <hid.h> REQUEST(checkFocus, "ioManager", "checkFocus"); ListElement *hidDevices = NULL; char *collectionTypes[] = { "Physical", "Application", "Logical", "Report", "Named array", "Usage switch", "Usage modifier" }; void startCollection(uint32_t data, uint32_t padding) { char *collectionType = "Vendor defined"; if (data < sizeof(collectionTypes) / sizeof(collectionTypes[0])) { collectionType = collectionTypes[data]; } else if (data < 0x80) { collectionType = "Reserved"; } printf("%pCollection(%s)\n", padding, collectionType); } void insertInputReader(ReportParserState *state, uint32_t usage, uint32_t data, ListElement **inputReaders) { InputReader *reader = malloc(sizeof(InputReader)); reader->size = state->reportSize; reader->usagePage = state->usagePage; reader->usage = usage; reader->discard = (data >> 0) & 1; reader->array = !((data >> 1) & 1); // signed integers are represented as 2s-complement reader->isSigned = state->logicalMin > state->logicalMax; reader->min = state->logicalMin; reader->max = state->logicalMax; listAdd(inputReaders, reader); state->totalBits += state->reportSize; } void input(ReportParserState *state, uint32_t data, ListElement **inputReaders) { // https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/hid1_11.pdf // page 38, section, Main items table char *constant = data >> 0 & 1 ? "Constant" : "Data"; char *array = data >> 1 & 1 ? "Variable" : "Array"; char *absolute = data >> 2 & 1 ? "Relative" : "Absolute"; char *wrap = data >> 3 & 1 ? "Wrap" : "NoWrap"; char *linear = data >> 4 & 1 ? "NonLinear" : "Linear"; char *prefered = data >> 5 & 1 ? "NoPreferredState" : "PreferredState"; char *null = data >> 6 & 1 ? "NullState" : "NoNullState"; char *bitField = data >> 8 & 1 ? "BufferedBytes" : "BitField"; printf("%pInput(%x => %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n", state->padding, data, constant, array, absolute, wrap, linear, prefered, null, bitField ); uint32_t usageCount = listCount(state->usages); if (usageCount == 1) { uint32_t usage = U32(listGet(state->usages, 0)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->reportCount; i++) { insertInputReader(state, usage, data, inputReaders); } } else if (usageCount == state->reportCount) { uint32_t i = 0; foreach (state->usages, void *, usage, { insertInputReader(state, U32(usage), data, inputReaders); }); } else if (usageCount == 0 && (state->usageMax - state->usageMin + 1 == state->reportCount)) { for (uint32_t usage = state->usageMin; usage <= state->usageMax; usage++) { insertInputReader(state, usage, data, inputReaders); } } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->reportCount; i++) { insertInputReader(state, i, data, inputReaders); } } listClear(&state->usages, false); } uint32_t parseReportDescriptor(uint8_t *read, ListElement **inputReaders) { ReportParserState state = {0}; while (1) { uint8_t item = *read; uint8_t dataSize = item & 0x3; read++; uint32_t data = *((uint32_t *)read); data &= 0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - dataSize) * 8); read += dataSize; uint32_t usage; switch (item >> 2) { case 0: return state.totalBits; case 1: state.usagePage = getUsagePage(data); printf("%pUsagePage(%x: %s)\n", state.padding, data, state.usagePage->name); break; case 2: printf("%pUsage(%x)\n", state.padding, data); listAdd(&state.usages, PTR(data)); break; case 0x05: printf("%pLogicalMinimum(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.logicalMin = data; break; case 0x09: printf("%pLogicalMaximum(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.logicalMax = data; break; case 0x06: printf("%pUsageMinimum(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.usageMin = data; break; case 0x0A: printf("%pUsageMaximum(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.usageMax = data; break; case 0x1D: printf("%pReportSize(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.reportSize = data; break; case 0x20: input(&state, data, inputReaders); break; case 0x21: printf("%pReportId(%x)\n", state.padding, data); break; case 0x25: printf("%pReportCount(%x)\n", state.padding, data); state.reportCount = data; break; case 0x28: startCollection(data, state.padding); state.padding += 2; listClear(&state.usages, false); break; case 0x30: state.padding -= 2; printf("%pEnd collection\n", state.padding); listClear(&state.usages, false); break; default: printf("%pUnknown Item %x with data %x\n", state.padding, item >> 2, data); break; } } return state.totalBits; } uint32_t consumeBits(uint32_t **data, uint8_t *bit, uint8_t count) { // TODO: improve this implementation if (*bit >= 32) { *bit -= 32; (*data)++; } uint32_t result = 0; uint32_t mask = ((1 << count) - 1) << *bit; result = (**data & mask) >> *bit; *bit += count; return result; } void hidListening(HIDDevice *device) { while (1) { request(device->serviceId, device->normalFunction, device->deviceId, U32(getPhysicalAddress(device->buffer))); uint32_t *report = device->buffer; uint8_t bit = 0; foreach (device->inputReaders, InputReader *, reader, { uint32_t data = consumeBits(&report, &bit, reader->size); if (reader->discard) { continue; } int32_t processedData = data; if (reader->isSigned) { // if signed, data might need to be padded with ones if (reader->size == 8) { processedData = (int32_t)(int8_t) data; } else if (reader->size == 16) { processedData = (int32_t)(int16_t) data; } } if (reader->previousState == processedData) { goto end; } if (reader->array) { handleUsage(reader->usagePage, processedData, 1); } else { handleUsage(reader->usagePage, reader->usage, processedData); } reader->previousState = processedData; end: asm("nop"); }); // TODO: sleep for at least endpoint->interval? sleep(10); } } uint32_t registerHID(uint32_t usbDevice, void *reportDescriptor, uint32_t serviceName, uint32_t serviceId) { uint8_t *report = requestMemory(1, 0, reportDescriptor); HIDDevice *device = malloc(sizeof(HIDDevice)); device->serviceId = serviceId; device->deviceId = usbDevice; // USB calls this a interface, others may differ device->buffer = malloc(0x1000); device->normalFunction = getFunction(serviceId, "hid_normal"); device->inputReaders = NULL; printf("registered a new HID device, dumping report descriptor:\n"); uint32_t totalBits = parseReportDescriptor(report, &device->inputReaders); printf("The report descriptor consumes a total of %i bits.\n", totalBits); fork(hidListening, device, 0, 0); return 0; } void initialize() { createFunction("registerHID", (void *)registerHID); initializeUsagePages(); } int32_t main() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initialized = true; initialize(); } if (!checkFocus(0, 0)) { return 0; } }